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Unit 1: Greetings and Introductions

- Introduce basic greetings and introductions

- Practice introducing oneself and others

- Learn how to ask and answer simple questions about personal information

Unit 2: School Life

- Introduce school subjects and classroom objects

- Practice talking about daily routines and schedules

- Learn how to express likes and dislikes

Unit 3: Family and Friends

- Introduce family members and relationships

- Practice talking about hobbies and interests

- Learn how to describe people's physical appearance and personality

Unit 4: Food and Drink

- Introduce different types of food and drink

- Practice ordering food and drink in a restaurant

- Learn how to express preferences and make requests

Unit 5: Trel and Transportation

- Introduce different modes of transportation

- Practice giving and following directions

- Learn how to talk about past and future trel experiences

Unit 6: Holidays and Celebrations

- Introduce different holidays and celebrations

- Practice talking about traditions and customs

- Learn how to express wishes and congratulations

Unit 7: Health and Fitness

- Introduce different parts of the body and common illnesses

- Practice talking about healthy habits and exercise

- Learn how to give advice and make suggestions

Unit 8: Shopping and Money

- Introduce different types of stores and products

- Practice bargaining and making purchases

- Learn how to talk about prices and currency

Unit 9: Entertainment and Media

- Introduce different types of entertainment and media

- Practice talking about movies, TV shows, and music

- Learn how to express opinions and make recommendations

Unit 10: Environment and Sustaility

- Introduce environmental issues and solutions

- Practice talking about recycling and conservation

- Learn how to express concerns and take action.








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